Friday 18 April 2014

During Production

We have began production on our film, with the start of our filming. We have filmed the IRA meeting of our film in Casement Social Club, this location produces an old and authentic image which stays true to the time phase our film is set. We used realistic props such as, empty pint glasses, cigarettes and a gun. Also, our costumes are common for 1970s, this helps create the naturalistic scene and to allow the audience to emerge themselves in the time it is set in. The only problem we faced with the filming of this scene was availability of our actors, because of this we had to recast the film to suit the filming schedule. As we began to edit this piece of filming we found that there seems to be too much dialogue, therefore we have to cut the clips down to make the film flow better. Too much dialogue slows the film down which audiences will disengage with and find themselves uninterested in what is happening on screen, having quick shot changes from IRA to UDA will improve the suspense and the all round tempo of the film.
We now have began to film the UDA meeting section of our film. We have found challenges in filming this scene as we had originally planned to film this outside at night. This was a problem in terms of lighting and sound, as there is no natural light present we were using the flashlight from an iPhone 4 but it did not present enough light for the shot to taken, we then used a sensor spotlight to light this scene but this in itself proved problematic as it cast shadows, so people were not visible in the shot, we also needed someone bride the light to activate the sensor. At first we were using the flashlight from an iPhone 4 but it did not present enough light for the shot to taken, we then used a Also, the sound was a problem because the wind was blowing into the microphone which cancelled out any spoken dialogue. Therefore, we have had to refill this scene in its entirety to ensure the best possible film. As like the IRA scene the costumes and props used were realistic, with our finished film this should prove effective, capturing the times successfully with both mise en scene and lighting.

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