Saturday 1 March 2014

Main Task - Plot and Research Part 1

For our main task we have decided to make a drama film set in the late 1970s during the troubles in belfast, the main scenes are two meetings, one between IRA members and the other between UDA members. These meetings will cross over as they are talking about the same subject, revenge killings. The IRA are meeting to discuss the possible killing of a UDA leader who is in the hospital visiting his son who was injured in an alleged sectarian attack. The UDA are meeting to discuss the possible killing  of any catholic to hit back at the republican community.
We have researched the history of Northern Ireland during the troubles to give of an idea of the extremism of these groups just to have their voices heard. The target audience for our piece are people of ages ranging from 20 to 70, we would hope it would educate people who may not know a lot about the troubles in Northern Ireland. Also

We have watched a few films which our set in this time and with this style of genre. One of these films is In the Name of The Father, in this film there is a meeting between IRA members in prison talking about an attack on a prison officer, the men know the plan and act natural. We hope to base our film around this type of meeting.

In this clip we see men with an obvious attack on their minds, the tense music makes this clear to the audience. The way in which their plan goes along, each of the men has a job to do. For our film, the attack on the men will be based on this, pre-determined idea of what is going too happen.
The dark, harsh lighting of this clip is what we aim to have for our film. As we want to portray the hate of the characters this lighting would be perfect to represent this.
The mise en scene, such as, hair and make-up is very interesting in this clip as it makes it clear that it is set in 1970/80s. We would hope to base our work on the old-fashioned mise en scene for our film.
 The music used in this film is very tense and creates suspense throughout, as our film is similar, in this action/thriller genre we would hope to have music in order to make the audience feel anxious about what is about to happen.
The shots in this film, focus on the facial expressions on the characters, to make the audience aware of their reactions towards the action in the foreground of the shot. In this clip especially, when the prison officer is on fire, many close-up shots are shown of other characters. We would aim to have this during the action scenes of our film to show the frantic nature of what is happening in the scene.

The titles in this film are interesting in that it shows a scene in which people are entering a pub, and as they close the door a bomb goes off and the pub is blown up. This is effective as this is the first thing the audience sees and as the bomb blows the up beat music starts as this violence is what the audience should expect throughout the film. The titles are very simple, there are no big effects on them, they are just text with a black background. This isn't exactly what we plan for our film as we would want to have our titles over a scene as we wouldn't want the audience have to wait through the titles to watch the film as from previous experience this is very frustrating.

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