Friday 28 March 2014

Main Task - Research Part 4

Anther film we have watched to gain some ideas for our main piece is mickybo & me. This film is set in Belfast at the time of the troubles. Although the actual groups that our film is based around do not feature in this movie, the mise en scene, lighting and locations would be perfect for our film. The titles also, at the start of the movie are what we hope to use for our film. The simplistic titles do not take away from the action that is happening on the screen, we aim to make this similar in our main task.

This film is very naturalistic and there is rarely artificial lighting. The majority of the film is set outside, and as some of our shots will be filmed outside we aim to control the lighting using final cut pro and to ensure there is no glare from the sun in any of our shots. The costume in this film, is very close to the time in which it is set. We hoped to get some ideas as to how to dress our actors to make our film, and which props would be authentic to the time. Though watching this film we also noticed there is a filter effect on the shots, this makes the movie look old and gives it a grimy and glum look, to portray the poverty and the effect of war on working-class people in Belfast.

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