Saturday 22 March 2014

Main Task - Research Part 3

Anther film which we want to base our project on is 'Michael Collins'. This film is about Irelands fight for independence and the easter rising in 1916. The film has a scene in which the IRA meet to discuss an attack on a police barracks to take weapons. The scene takes place in a small dark room, it is a secret meeting between the men.

The meeting happens at 4:23 in this clip. This film shows Ireland in a good way as it portrays the people's bravery and that their fight for freedom from British rule was an inspiring mission. The shots in this scene seem to focus directly at the main speaker of the meeting. This is how we plan to have our film with the portrayal of the importance of the leaders of the gangs. Although this film is set in 1916, the mise en scene of it, is a effective and very real in its reflection of the time it is set. We hope to ensure the mise en scene of our film brings a realistic and genuine look to the film.

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